千玉新創作:"回歸以色列家族,復原希伯来根源" 的中文敬拜讚美系列![]() 親愛的朋友:我是千玉我的英文名字是Yahn El ,靈修詩歌<輕輕聽>的作者,我跟我的先生Ed目前在美國從事全職服事。最近我們跟朋友:一對以色列宣教士夫婦EliYahu & Tina AbiYah重逢開始了一系列"回歸以色列家族,復原希伯來根源" 的中文敬拜讚美系列。馬太15:24:耶穌說:「我奉差遣不過是到以色列家迷失的羊那裡去。」
緣起於2008年後尤其2010年在網路上出現了聖父跟聖子,恢復上古希伯來原名原讀音的運動 (箴言 30:4). 這復原(恢復還原)創造主及救贖主在啟示原始經文中上帝自己給自已的聖名(不只是稱號)浪潮,在全球基督徒社群引起了極大的迴響,全面進行歸正傳統這幾千年來聖父聖子的名在文字上或讀音上的錯誤;尤其揭示了在英語的教會系統中,聖父聖子譯名在文字上及讀音上被誤傳的種種隱藏在政治,軍事及宗教陰謀裡的歷史因素! 這個正名運動帶來了全球基督徒回歸及植根於希伯來原始啟示經文(不是猶太教也不是受希 臘太陽神教影響的普世神學系統)的復興行動,給這身處末世的彌賽亞(基督)的身體帶來了對創造主給人類的救恩啟示及應許有了全新的解讀及體驗!(例如單是舊約死海古卷為證之Paleo上古希伯來創造主名YHWH就明文記載了6823次,在英語聖經卻大量的以深受希臘羅馬太陽神教字根的:“神明”或“主”或“主神”等稱呼及代名詞取代了。) 目前我配合Tina Abiyah的音樂創作譜上中文歌詞,希望我們中華民 族的基督徒不落人後,也能參與這個正名運動;以上古Paleo希伯來的原文原發音來稱頌讚美我們的創造主YAHUWAH及我們的救贖主YAHUSHUA,聖經教導我們要向全地歌頌,讚美,宣揚創造主及救贖主獨一無二的聖名。希望這個系列能夠給我們的中文教會帶來新的聲音、來自天上的聲音,充滿聖父聖子聖靈的聲音。 由於我和Tina Abiyah相聚的時間非常短促,我們手上又沒有專業的錄音設備,於是很匆忙地在一個會所裡用了一個簡單的小型錄音機連彈奏帶唱歌一次性錄製了10多首創新風格的示範音樂帶,然後直接接駁到Yutube裡發表!!其中難免有錄製上的瑕疵,敬請見諒。雖然這些詩歌有版權,但我們歡迎有意唱頌這些詩歌的個人或團體自由使用,藉著你們的專業和不同的演繹方式,共同迅速地向全地宣告聖父聖子原來的真實的有權能的聖名;是祂自己啟示給我們的獨屬於祂的,能帶給我們有救恩盼望的名字。(約珥2:32 ,羅10:13,使2:)我們只請求諸位在靈裡對上帝給這末世宣揚主聖名的呼召積極回應者,能知會我們,聯絡我們,好讓我們能繼續為大家提供給更多回歸以色列家族的旋律,接駁希伯來聖經根源的詩歌與信息;將一切的榮耀感謝與讚美獻給我們的天父YHWH雅吾瓦及我們的救贖主YahuShua雅吾贖瓦。( Isa 以12:4在那日,你們要說:當稱謝YHWH雅吾瓦,求告祂的名;將祂所行的傳揚在萬民中,提說祂的名YHWH已被尊崇。Isa以 12:5你們要向YHWH雅吾瓦唱歌,因他所行的甚是美好;但願這事普傳天下。 Isa 以12:6錫安的居民哪,揚聲歡呼,因為在你們中間的以色列聖者YHWH雅吾瓦乃為至大。) Hab 谷2:14認識YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)榮耀的知識要充滿遍地,好像水充滿洋海一般。 我們多聯繫,謝謝弟兄姊妹們的支持舆鼓勵。 千玉(YahnEl)敬上 [email protected] 爲何選擇纯净的Paleo Hebrew上古希伯來根源的語文發音来稱呼我們的創造主和彌賽亞 *必须求告那被创造主指定的带有权能有救恩效力的名字:使Act 4:12 除他以外,別無拯救;因為在天下人間,沒有賜下別的名,我們可以靠著得救。 耶穌的古希伯來Paleo Hebrew原名讀音Yahushua 原讀音,雅吾贖瓦原意:YAH拯救,YAH釋放;YAH是救贖我的至親人Kinsman。 約John 10:30我與父YAH原為一。 約John5:4子奉父的名YAH來到世上! Php比2:9所以,神將他升為至高,又賜給他那超乎萬名之上的名:YAHushua雅吾贖瓦Php比2:10叫一切在天上的、地上的,和地底下的,因YAHushua雅吾贖瓦(耶穌)的名無不屈膝,Php比2:11無不口稱“Yahushua彌賽雅”(中譯耶穌基督)為主,使榮耀歸與父神YAHUWAH雅吾瓦Rom羅10:13因為凡求告主名YahUShuA雅吾贖瓦的,就必得救。Joe约珥2:32到那時候,凡求告YAHuwah雅吾瓦(上古希伯來Paleo Hebrew原音)名的就必得救 *以Paleo Hebrew上古希伯來根源的語文發音来稱呼我們的創造主和彌賽亞最原汁原味 Paleo Hebrew上古希伯來文與發音與受了異族影響之後來的希伯來發音/文字之分水嶺,始於以色列人被擄到巴比倫以及後來被諸帝國的統治。故此,原始啟示經文上古希伯來文字與讀音成為聖父聖子聖名及教誨追根究底,真理索源的實底和實證 * 中文聖經所采用音譯創造主和彌賽雅的音譯名而翻譯出来的音譯名稱,被众多中華民族以各方言基于中文文本又音譯了各自的創造主和彌賽亞的譯名,其中有些發音與其原名原讀音早已差之千里了。我們的歌曲,選擇了以纯净的Paleo上古希伯來根源的語文發音的音譯名來稱呼我們的創造主和彌賽雅, 可说是開創歷史之先河; 代表了華人信徒歸正還原創造主和彌賽雅原名并其原讀音的努力。 此外,通過此舉,首先可以避免了中華民族各種方言根據傳统中文翻繹譯名的版本而再度的把祂的原名翻讀成各种不同的方言發音!!! 再者,中國的信徒目前所通用的創造主和彌賽雅中文名稱發音的翻譯:耶穌“YeSu”,是沿用源自正統的东正天主教,激進耶穌會,新教,猶太教 (现代猶太教是新约里所提到的法利赛人的傳统,猶太支派只是以色列家族12支派中的一族 )的聖經翻譯版本再度翻譯过来有偏差的創造主和彌賽亞中文名稱發音。更值得注意的是,即使是傳统口述猶太法典Talmud通過其内部教派间緊密把守的Yemach Shmo U'Zikro代碼,使用秘密縮寫含有贬意的“Yeschu”(耶稣)来影射他们所痛恨的破壞猶太教傳统的自稱爲彌賽亞的YahUShua(雅吾贖瓦); 而後來却被不知情者代代相傳而傳播開来;这句希伯來短語 Yemach Shmo U'Zikro的正式解說是:“但愿他的名字被塗抹掉”。 而最早繼承羅馬希臘太陽神系统影响的東正基督天主教及激進耶穌Jesuit教派(向来就排擠飽受各方逼迫以護衛希伯拉啟示根源的彌赛亚信徒们Natsarim,即希伯来拿细耳分别衛聖族群 )捍衛并使用拉丁希臘文: IESU (因爲拉丁文没有“Y”ah音,所以借用最靠近的I(YI的发音),到後來1600世纪中旬以後, “I”字母被新发明的“J”字替代;于是,英语聖經翻譯自此改I成J最後到最後來才演變成了JeSus;Messianic 猶太人基督徒继续借用Talmud所使用的发音YeSHU而演变成YeShua (耶书阿)。因此,猶太教口述法典Talmud 里的Yeshu 或东正天主教,激进耶穌会Jesuit 的IESU (YeSu)所选用的名稱發音都是来自同一被扭曲了的根源!(有関此题目可参閲首页之英文文檔及專题文章欄目或搜寻其原句:Yemach Shmo U'Zikro)西番雅Zep 3:8 YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)說:你們要等候我,直到我興起擄掠的日子;因為我已定意招聚列國,聚集列邦,將我的惱怒就是我的烈怒都傾在他們身上。我的忿怒如火,必燒滅全地。 西番雅Zep 3:9 那時,我必使萬民用清潔纯正的言語(唇舌)好求告我 YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)的名,同心合意的事奉我。 *我們若敬爱我們的創造主和彌賽雅,我們怎能不敬爱不珍惜祂作為榮耀君王的名字呢?(诗Psa 8:1 Yahuwah耶和華我們的主啊,你的名在全地何其美!你將你的榮耀彰顯於天。诗24 全篇尤其Psa 24:9 眾城門哪,你們要抬起頭來!永久的門戶,你們要把頭抬起!那榮耀的王將要進來! Psa 24:10 榮耀的王是誰呢?萬軍之YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華),他是榮耀的王!(細拉) 約John 10:30Yahushua 说:我與父YAH原為一。 約John5:4子YAHushua雅吾贖瓦奉父的名YAH來到世上 (YAHushua 即YAH拯救,YAH釋放;YAH是救贖我的至親人Kinsman。这Paleo的原名發音包含了被救贖者有產業继承權 。)路Luk 13:35 Yahushua雅吾贖瓦说: 看哪,你們的家成為荒場留給你們。我告訴你們,從今以後你們不得再見我,直等到你們說:『奉主YHWH雅吾瓦名來的是應當稱頌的。』」诗Psa 118:26 奉YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)名來的是應當稱頌的!我們從YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)的殿中為你們祝福! *全本聖經教導我們信靠宣揚祂的聖名;单是舊约就题名YHWH Paleo希伯来的原名達6823次;把聖父聖子的原名稱并其原讀音掌握好怎麽不重要呢?在主Yahushua榮耀快要再來的日子,舆全球各民族各文化信徒统一舆認同復原(恢復還原)創造主及救贖主上古希伯來原名原讀音有那麽艱難吗?作為彌赛亚的新婦,我們怎能不堅守快要回來迎娶我們的新郎的原名(有聖父YHWH律法舆先知書認証蓋章,把我們救贖歸屬在祂的名下,能继承彌赛雅產業的名字)? *通過向YAH唱新歌來宣告祂獨一無二的聖名,是開拓我們靈程新领域的新起點! Rev 4:1 此後,我觀看,見天上有門開了。我初次聽見好像吹號的聲音,對我說:「你上到這裡來,我要將以後必成的事指示你。」 *唯有通過Yahushua 的寶血和祂的聖名,我們才能继承天國的基業,才能享有成为天國子民的福利舆權柄。约Joh 14:6 Yahushua說「我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。。。 约Joh 14:13 你們奉我的名Yahushua無論求什麼,我必成就,叫父因兒子得榮耀。 约Joh 14:14 你們若奉我的名Yahushua求什麼,我必成就。 Joh 17:5 父啊,現在求你使我同你享榮耀,就是未有世界以先,我同你所有的榮耀。 Joh 17:6 你從世上賜給我的人,我已將你的名Yahuwah顯明與他們。他們本是你的,你將他們賜給我,他們也遵守了你的道。 Joh 17:11 從今以後,我不在世上,他們卻在世上;我往你那裡去。聖父啊,求你因你所賜給我的名Yahushua保守他們,叫他們合而為一像我們一樣。 *身處於这世纪的信徒,我們擁有了過往信徒前所未有過的有關歷史舆考古驗証的科技以及在網络上很容易就搜尋到公開的知識舆资讯来追究真相舆真理;因此,我們所承担的責任當比過往的信徒更加重大舆無可推諉了;这事應证了但以理書的预言:Dan 12:4 但以理啊,你要隱藏這話,封閉這書,直到末時。必有多人來往奔跑(或作:切心研究),知識就必增長。」在此,我們宣告以西结書YHWH的應许在我們當中成就了: Eze 37:1 YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)的靈(原文作手)降在我身上。YHWH(耶和華)藉他的靈帶我出去,將我放在平原中;這平原遍滿骸骨。 Eze 37:2 他使我從骸骨的四圍經過,誰知在平原的骸骨甚多,而且極其枯乾。 Eze 37:3 他對我說:「人子啊,這些骸骨能復活嗎?」我說:「主YHWH(耶和華)啊,你是知道的。」 Eze 37:4 他又對我說:「你向這些骸骨發預言說:枯乾的骸骨啊,要聽YHWH(耶和華)的話。 Eze 37:5 主YHWH(耶和華)對這些骸骨如此說:『我必使氣息進入你們裡面,你們就要活了。 Eze 37:6 我必給你們加上筋,使你們長肉,又將皮遮蔽你們,使氣息進入你們裡面,你們就要活了;你們便知道我是YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)。』」 敬请宣讀以西结37全章,尤其是:Eze 37:19 你就對他們說:『主YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)如此說:我要將約瑟和他同伴以色列支派的杖,就是那在以法蓮手中的 (已分散到外邦,忘记了YHWH的聖约,迷失了君尊國度身份的”我們“)與猶大的杖一同接連為一,在我手中成為一根。』 再讀以Eph2;11-22:尤其Eph 2:13 ”你們從前遠離神的人,如今卻在彌赛亚Yahushua裡,靠著他的血,已經得親近了。 Eph 2:14 因他使我們和睦(原文作因他是我們的和睦),將兩下合而為一,拆毀了中間隔斷的牆; Eph 2:15 而且以自己的身體廢掉冤仇,就是那記在律法上的規條,為要將兩下藉著自己造成一個新人,如此便成就了和睦。“ 不要忘了,我們原是舆救恩無份的野柑榄枝子,接連到好柑榄樹的樹根上(羅Rom11)。。所以,溯本追源,回歸到舆YHWH立聖约守聖约的以色列本家(不是政治上的以色列國家),復原希伯来根源的真知真理(不是堕入深為Yahushua所責備的禉太教人為傳统舆仪式中)是當下信徒向YHWH雅吾瓦最急不容缓的回應行動! 祈願我們為YAH分别爲聖的原名原讀音所擺上的努力,能带给我們的YAH 極大的喜悦;一切榮耀讚美全歸于我們的Yah; HalleluYAH! 千玉(YahnEl)敬上 [email protected] 备注: 傳统口述猶太法典Talmud通過其内部教派间緊密把守的Yemach Shmo U'Zikro代碼,使用秘密縮寫含有贬意的“Yeschu”(耶稣)来影射他们所痛恨的破壞猶太教傳统的自稱爲彌賽雅的YahUShua(雅吾贖瓦); 而後來却被不知情者代代相傳而傳播開来;这句希伯來短語 Yemach Shmo U'Zikro的正式解說是:“但愿他的名字被塗抹掉”。 |
Yah's Praise in Chinese:Returning to The House of Yisrael, Restoring The Hebraic Root of Yah's Reign
![]() Shalom:
I am Yahn EL. My husband, Eyd, and I are in full time ministry, moving according to the leadership of the Ruach Ha Qodesh [Rom 8:14]. In addition, we are also in the process of writing a book on the Man Child, identified in Rev 12:5 of the Scriptures. For details, please go to: http://www.man-child.com although currently it is under construction. Upon completion, the book shall be made available online without charge since freely we have received, and freely we give [Matt 10:8]. We are honored and privileged to work together with evangelist Eliyahu and his wife, Tina Abiyah, as they carry the message of the Glad Tidings in this end time. For further discovery of the impact they are having in the United States, Israel, and worldwide, please go the following website and hit playlist for Abiyah YHWH English worship songs at: http://www.EliyahuChannel.com I began working with Tina Abiyah in April 2013 to produce a series of her praise and worship songs in Chinese. Her songs are also available in English and Hebrew as well. Although all these songs are copyrighted, we welcome any and all efforts by the followers and true believers of Yah to freely sing and otherwise spread these songs as much as possible, including any and all reproduction especially to the Chinese speaking community. We ask that you inform us so that we would be able to establish a communication link with you, such that we could continue to supply you with other upcoming songs and materials as it becomes available. Please contact us at: http://www.yaharise.com. The purpose of such an effort is to spread His Set Apart Name (Shem) as much as possible, and to be of service to Yahushua Ha Messiach in bringing the Lost Sheep of the House of Yisrael back into the Covenant according to Scripture: Matt 15:24 And He answering, said, I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Yisrael. In addition, our desire is to publicize the Paleo Hebrew Set Apart Name of the Creator Abba Father, Yahuwah, and His Son, Yahushua, the Messiah in written and spoken form. Proverbs 30:4 Who has gone up to Shamayim and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, And what is His Son's Name, If you know it? To various degrees, the many different languages invented by man and through traditions that have been used to identify and honor our Creator and His Son over time have resulted in contaminating and corrupting the original Paleo Hebrew Names as used by Aloahym Himself. We use this spelling for Aloahym due to the advent of its earlier use, as opposed to the spelling of Elohim, although both are acceptable. For this purpose, we choose Paleo Hebrew for all of our songs regarding the Names of the Creator and the Messiah due their origin and their purity. This is the first time an effort is being made of that we are aware of, to introduce Paleo Hebrew Names to Chinese believers instead of using the translated Chinese terms and name, 耶稣 "YeSu", which is derived from the orthodox Catholic including Jesuit, Protestant, and Judaic versions of Scripture of the past. It is important to note that even the Jewish Talmud uses a spelling of “Jeschu”, really “Yeschu”, which is explained through closely-guarded channels such as the various Orthodox sects to represent the acronym, YESHU, standing for the Hebrew phrase Yemach Shmo U’Zikro, which is literally translated to: “may his name be blotted-out”. For further study about the Names of the Creator and the Messiah, please visit http://www.EliyahuChannel.com or his many other related links like: http://www.PerfectGiftOrg.com/ However, I would like to add this information for your study. At the time of the Reformation (1600’s), the Catholics, as well as the “Protestants” who actually were reformed Catholics, spelled the Name of Yahushua as “IESU” since the letter “J” had not yet caught on. The Jesuits’ primary function was to fight against the rise of those who were learning the truth from Scriptures as it was written in its various earlier forms and according to its original intent, and “indulgences” for sins was the ignition point. The Jesuits received their formal authority through what was known as a“papal bull” from Pope Paul III in 1540, known as “Regimini militantis Ecclesiae”, a Latin term meaning “To the Government of the Church Militant", having pledged their loyalty to Saint Ignatius of Loyola as their Superior General, against his opposition, and pledged him obedience, recognizing him as "holding the place of God" in relation to them. The first edition of the KJV spelled Yahushua’s Name “IESU”. The original name of the Jesuit Order was, and still remains, SOCIETASIESU, interpreted as “Society of Jesus”, and abbreviated as “SJ”. Note the similarity with the secretive acronym, YESHU. The “SH” is simply rendered as an “S”, and the letter “I” (at the beginning of the word “IESU”) actually represents the Hebrew letter “Yod”; but the Greek promotion of the texts is vital to the Jesuits, so the letters “I” and “S” were used by them. The Catholic church fathers despised the Natsarim as heretics, a sect of believers known as the “Watchmen” or “Guardians of the Word”, whose roots are derived from the sect known as the Nazarenes and who were (and still are today) vigilant in following the Scriptures, and who recognized Yahushua as the Messiah as the fulfillment of the Scriptures. The term was used in Acts 24:5 but phrased in the KJV as Paul (Saul) being a “ringleader of the sect of the “Nazarenes”. These early church leaders knew that the message of the Book of Mattityahu (Matthew) as it was originally written in Hebrew, where the true Hebraic Name of the Messiah is indisputably identified. Furthermore, the Name was, and is today, vital to exposing the attempt to steal Yahushua’s identity; all the while the dragon (Satan) continues to promote the Greek. Hence, the acronym YESHU based on the Talmudic form, and the Jesuit form IESU are the same, since the unbelieving Yahudim (Jews) continued to seek to bring shame on Yahushua at the promised Messiah throughout the Scriptures. The meaning of the spelling was revealed only among themselves. The anti-missionaries, the Jesuits, and virtually all other “religious” sects or orders, denominations, and non-denominations alike, including Christian(Catholic) and Jewish, serve the same master, the dragon where the identity of the Messiah is hidden or renounced. That’s why the spellings IESU and YESHU are so similar; they point to the same source. 备注: 傳统口述猶太法典Talmud通過其内部教派间緊密把守的Yemach Shmo U'Zikro代碼,使用秘密縮寫含有贬意的“Yeschu”(耶稣)来影射他们所痛恨的破壞猶太教傳统的自稱爲彌賽雅的YahUShua(雅吾贖瓦); 而後來却被不知情者代代相傳而傳播開来;这句希伯來短語 Yemach Shmo U'Zikro的正式解說是:“但愿他的名字被塗抹掉”。 Religion and the Word of Aloahym are not the same, but those differences have been masked over and denied for generations by various church leaders of different branches. All man made religion is of evil design to lead their followers away from obeying the Word of Aloahym, and as such is demonic, no matter what form it surfaces in. We strive not to criticize or judge anyone for being at a level of understanding for the revelation of the Name being where it is to them. Thus, if they promote the name “YESHUA”, use of it simply indicates that they are aware that the name of “JESUS” is an error. Moving away from a fictitious name is a first-step away from this error, since His “Name is above every Name . . .” [Phil 2:9-11] Thus, getting His name correct is more than just subtle! There are more errors to overcome, but we must be loving rather than divisive where we are able. May all Esteem, Honor, Power, and Kavod be to our YAH! In His service, Yahn El http://www.YahArise.com Y[email protected] |