出埃及記 31:13 你要吩咐以色列人說:你們務要守我的安息日;因為這是你我之間世世代代的證據(记號),使你們知道我YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)是叫你們分别為聖的。
附註:YHWH יהוה把我們分别为聖所設立的標誌,立永約的標誌,就是遵守祂的安息日(全年7 大節期),及每周第七日為安息日。重複提起:讀以西结: 20:12&20。
Exo 31:13 And you, speak to the children of Yisraĕl, saying, My Sabbaths you are to guard, by all means, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, to know that I, יהוה, am setting you apart.
Footnote: The only sign of יהוה setting us apart, the only sign of the everlasting covenant, is His Sabbaths, one of them being the seventh day Sabbath. This is repeated in Ezek. 20:12 & 20.
附註:YHWH יהוה把我們分别为聖所設立的標誌,立永約的標誌,就是遵守祂的安息日(全年7 大節期),及每周第七日為安息日。重複提起:讀以西结: 20:12&20。
Exo 31:13 And you, speak to the children of Yisraĕl, saying, My Sabbaths you are to guard, by all means, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, to know that I, יהוה, am setting you apart.
Footnote: The only sign of יהוה setting us apart, the only sign of the everlasting covenant, is His Sabbaths, one of them being the seventh day Sabbath. This is repeated in Ezek. 20:12 & 20.
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