![]() Following Yah's lead without knowing where he's sending you. Waiting for Yah's timing without knowing when it will come. Expecting a miracle without knowing how Yah will provide. Trusting Yah's purpose without understanding the circumstances.
在末世災難期,你如何能在你屬靈的歌珊地GOSHEN得到超自然的保護 ? 末世最後的日子,將有屬靈的手寫在心牆上:不要害怕,要站穩在救贖主的應許與承諾上;你要大聲宣告:你必然會在你屬靈的歌珊地GOSHEN,你的腳所立之地,無論身在何處,必定得到保護。 但是,你是否已藏身在救贖主Yahushua,超乎萬名之名,全能至高者的羽翼保護之下呢? 歌珊地GOSHEN-- 你今生至善至美至尊貴至安全的產業(出10:23)(約15:20,51) 轉載自:HaRuachEliyahu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh-kT_47uHc 歡迎到訪主網頁: http://www.yaharise.com 耶 39:17 雅吾瓦YHWH說:到那日我必拯救你,你必不至交在你所怕的人手中。 耶 39:18 我定要搭救你,你不至倒在刀下,卻要以自己的命為掠物,因你倚靠我。這是雅吾瓦YHWH說的。」 約珥Joe 2:32 到那時候,凡求告雅吾瓦YHWH名的就必得救;因為照雅吾瓦所說的,在錫安山,耶路撒冷必有逃脫的人,在剩下的人中必有雅吾瓦所召的。」 詩Psa 91:14 雅吾瓦YHWH說:因為他專心愛我,我就要搭救他;因為他知道我的名,我要把他安置在高處。 End Times Last days Protection in the Land of Goshen End Times Last Days spiritual handwriting on the wall,don't fear stand on the promises of the word that where ever your at to proclaim and declare your protected in your own spiritual land of Goshen where ever your feet shell stand. Video source from: HaRuachEliyahu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh-kT_47uHc This is a non-commercial site. No selling or any form of profit gain: Freely we have received, and Freely we give [Matt 10:8]. … Welcome to visit our website: http://www.yaharise.com JER 39:17 But I will deliver you in that day, says vuvh: and you shall not be given into the hands of the men of whom you are afraid. 18 For I will surely deliver you, and you shall not fall by the sword, but your chayim shall be for a prize to you: because you have put your trust in Me, says YHWH http://youtu.be/Cbiq2k6_pFk (PART 1) http://youtu.be/SW11eHECvBA (PART 2) "On October 1, 2013, Comet ISON will reach its closest point to Mars at 21,000 miles (33,000 km). It could make for some stunning images from satellites orbiting Mars, and will be visible using the cameras attached to our two rovers on Mars.
January 18th, 2013 it had already developed a tail that was 40,000 miles (64,400 km) long." http://www.fallofathousandsuns.com/observations-of-comet-ison.html#comet-ison-images-from-mars-satellites-and-rovers "The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) is an imaging instrument onboard Terra, the flagship satellite of NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) launched in December 1999. ASTER is a cooperative effort between NASA, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and Japan Space Systems (J-spacesystems). ASTER data is used to create detailed maps of land surface temperature, reflectance, and elevation. The coordinated system of EOS satellites, including Terra, is a major component of NASA's Science Mission Directorate and the Earth Science Division. The goal of NASA Earth Science is to develop a scientific understanding of the Earth as an integrated system, its response to change, and to better predict variability and trends in climate, weather, and natural hazards." http://asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov/ Google 翻譯說明: 最新天象與啟示錄裡的號角吹響了 “ 2013年10月1日 , ISON彗星將達到其最接近火星21,000英里(33,000公里)的關鍵點 ,它可以從人造衛星拍攝到其繞火星飛行的一些令人驚嘆的圖像,並使用相機連接到我們擺在火星上的攝影機車上以讓我們觀察到在火星上所看到的異常天象。 2013年1月18日,它已經開發出達40,000英里(64,400公里)長的尾巴。 “ “先進載熱發射和反射輻射儀(ASTER)與美國航空航天局的地球觀測系統( EOS )衛星旗艦設立於1999年12月。 ASTER數據被用來建立地表溫度,反射率和海拔的詳細地圖。 EOS衛星,協調系統是美國航空航天局的一個主要組成部分;美國宇航局地球科學任務理事會和地球科學部的目標是制定認識地球作為一個集成的科學系統,以其應對變化,並更好地預測氣候,天氣和自然災害的變異和趨勢。 “ http://asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov/ 來源: 程序 - 美國宇航局的眼睛 NASA.ORG 彗星ISON互動模型 www.solarsystemscope.com/ison/ http://youtu.be/C9tsrTZ15uA Gill Broussard吉爾。布魯薩爾這集影片的主要焦點是發表他在聖經天文學領域的新發現,告知觀眾這些異常天象是如何與聖經裡的記載相附。他用了三年時間來研究並應用了天文軟件設計了模型來重演每一個歷史事件;在者,他的重複覆蓋數據交叉驗證呈現了其數據本身超出預期的深度!這個網站鏈接內容包含:
1)收集有關信息有代表性的部分。 2)圖表,圖形和其他數據,支持有一個“神秘星球” 存在,Gill Broussard 稱之為行星-7X(相當於地球直徑的7倍)。 3)有非常有力的證據,表明所謂的“末世”即時出現了。 Gill Broussard不聲稱擁有所有的答案,但吉爾布魯薩爾已經在他最大的能力與程度下,並在他所進行了大量的研究裡,確定有關聯的數據是準確的。 Gill Broussard的發現和研究是開放給大眾的,可接受外界的審查。 Gill Broussard有關此視頻的個人網站是: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_-_GkBsLTs Gill Broussard's main focus is to inform viewers of new findings in the field of Biblical astronomy and how these resulting anomalies correlate to biblical records. Three years of research along with astronomical software models of each event that have a repeating overlay to a depth and degree to which the data cross-validated itself was beyond expectations! This site contains: 1.) A representative portion of the information collected. 2.) Charts, graphs and other data supporting the existence of a "mystery planet" which I call Planet-7X (for 7 times Earth's diameter). 3.) There is very strong evidence indicating it's IMMINENT END TIME APPEARANCE. Gill Broussard does not claim to have all the answers, but the considerable research Gill Broussard has conducted is accurate to the extent of my ability to correlate the data. Gill Broussard's findings and research are open and available for outside review. Gill Broussard's personal site for this video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_-_GkBsLTs You can contact Gill Broussard for FREE charts at "[email protected]" through a valid email account. (your email is kept private!) Thank You :-) |
千玉 (Yahn El)新加坡籍旅美華人/ "世界華文作家協會"會員 / 曾任"新加坡作家協會"理事 / "新加坡21工程傳播企業公司"業務董事 / 新加坡"關懷中心"社會服務機構創辦人之一 / 新加坡國立大學社會科學院第一屆畢業生 / 1982-1994年先後出版主編四份雜誌,著作有: 散文集:【我不怕生命冷場】【相信人生】情思筆記:【我愛,為何哭】 文章Articles
October 2024