![]() 讓你的靈人站起來,YHWH耶和華說,就是你,上來我這裡,看哪,我的榮耀。我的榮耀已向全地傾倒,每當你與我相遇的時刻,你將會被改變被轉化。我的榮耀會在全地彰顯以致帶來改變。進到我裡面,讓心靈深處的你深深沉浸在我的同在中。 。洋溢與回應我對你生命的呼召。 。 。 。春雨已來臨,將挑起你的靈性到你生命的另一更高靈程。我不是曾對你應許過嗎?這一日,我將同時賜下春雨與秋雨給你! !我會來清洗你,我會加添力量給你,使你今後的日子力上加力!撒迦利亞10:1 在春雨的時刻,要向YHWH耶和華求雨。 要在你存在的基礎上,建立信心。將您的想法與我的話語對齊,YHWH耶和華說,我會回應你如何以信心把我的話語在你的生活中釋放出來!我國度裡的祝福和承諾向那信的人,就成了事實。但是,你必須相信,而不要讓敵人以消極和不信任我的想法來破壞你對我的信賴。站起來,接受我為你所安排的一切。以賽亞書55:11 我口所出的話也必如此, 決不徒然返回, 卻要成就我所喜悅的, 在我發他去成就( 發他去成就: 或譯所命定) 的事上必然亨通。 Let your spirit man arise. I say to you, come up here and behold My Esteem and Honor, says the YHWH. My Esteem is being poured out, and you will be changed with each encounter that you have with Me. My Esteem shall be in demonstration to bring transformation. Deep calls to deep at the overflow of My presence into your life. The latter rain is coming to stir your spirit and bring elevation to your being. Have I not said that I would come to you as the rain--the former and the latter rain together? I will come and wash you and empower you for the days ahead. Zechariah 10:1a Ask the Master YHWH (Yahuweh) for rain In the time of the latter rain. Establish faith in the very foundation of your being. Align your thoughts to agree with My word, says YHWH (Yahuwah) , for I will answer your Emunah ( belief) by bringing forth My word in your life. The barukah and promises of My Reign are available to everyone who believes. But, you must believe and not allow the enemy to undermine your belief with thoughts of negativity and unbelief. Rise up to receive all that I have provided for you. Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. 07262012 YAH雅的追随者。。《与永恒交往》
千玉 (Yahn El)新加坡籍旅美華人/ "世界華文作家協會"會員 / 曾任"新加坡作家協會"理事 / "新加坡21工程傳播企業公司"業務董事 / 新加坡"關懷中心"社會服務機構創辦人之一 / 新加坡國立大學社會科學院第一屆畢業生 / 1982-1994年先後出版主編四份雜誌,著作有: 散文集:【我不怕生命冷場】【相信人生】情思筆記:【我愛,為何哭】 文章Articles
October 2024