我的眼前出現這兩種昆蟲,裡面的領受,告訴我不要成為蟑螂,牠是地上爬的,並且出入暗溝不潔之處,雖然是活物,但卻是抬不起頭來,牠的裡頭發臭,所到之處惹人生厭;至於蝴蝶,經過蛹的蛻變,生命煥然一新,牠的人生是展開的天空,牠的出現艷麗令人驚奇。看哪!輕飄展翅飛翔的蝶,漫飛在林旁小道上。 靈感的話: 你是屬於光,你是光明之子,你的生命要如同蛹繭,進入主的安息,你就會有內在真實的轉化。要休息,要知道祂是神。你的生命不屬於黑暗,不要再躲藏,隱藏的事,在神榮耀光中,沒有不被顯露。一切暗昧的事,要立即遠離,你的生命不在於長短,乃在於它的精采和屬性。人子來為要拯救失喪者,當呼求主,祂的聖手就要搆到你身旁,祂傾倒生命在你裡頭,你的本質就要立時改變;親近祂,你就越來越有祂榮耀形像,在祂裡頭,你的一生必然不再一樣。
我兒啊,今天就聽(Shema 馬可 12:29-30 )我的聲音,知道我已指示你。我在此時此刻呼召你,好叫你可以完成我完美的旨意;因為我帶領你,引導你走進這個豐盛的季節。請注意聽,我的子民,那將來臨的跡象。注意那些我突顯的事情。注意看,當我的話語(聖經)現出亮光時,它會引領你內在的燈光由里到外照亮你的全身(以60:1),即會幕本身。請領收我帶給你的恩膏。允許這恩膏臨到你就像披風在你身上。讓它成為你本人的一部分。讓恩膏沁入你的全人,使其覆蓋你整個的心思意念及態度。然後,那些我提醒過你的事件,在我的恩膏大能底下請你必定要盡快去處理。成為我的受膏者,我將帶領並指導你。我會供應你,醫治,並剛強你。我會在你身上完成所有我所應許你的事情,我會通過我與你的約法(Torah 拖拉:婚誓)答應你。你的凱旋得勝有我保證,YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)Aloahiym ,至高者如此說。 My sons, (Shema Mark 12:29-30 ) hear My voice today and know that I have instructed you. I have called you forth for such a time as this, so that you may accomplish My perfect will as I lead you and guide you into the fullness of this season. Pay attention, My people, to the signs that come. Pay attention to those things that I highlight. Pay attention to the written Word when it becomes illuminated to you, for it will lead you as a light that shines(Isa 60:1) in the Tabernacle itself. Receive the anointing that I am bringing. Allow that anointing to rest upon you like a mantle. Let it become part of who you are. Let the anointing engage you personally so that it overlays the whole of your mind set and your attitudes. Then, those things that I bring to your attention must be quickly dealt with under the power of My anointing. Become My anointed one, and I will lead and guide you. I will provide for you, heal, and strengthen you. I will do all of these things that I have promised you by way of My covenant (Torah: Marriage Vow). Triumphant is assured, says YHWH Aloahiym, the Most High. 你也將要經歷一個尖銳的學習曲線,因為我要教導你,並向你顯示新的事物;這對于將要來臨的的日子,將是非常必要的。所以你必須保持靈活的心態,願意到我所帶領你去的地方和做我擺在你面前的任務;這關乎到你成長的進程。請注意:你所踏出的每步我都會與你同在(以40:10),所以請千萬不要心存懷疑;而且在你所踏出的每腳步,我都將給予你智慧,應允你的提問,主Yahuwah雅吾瓦如此說。雅各書1:5 你們中間若有缺少智慧的,應當求那厚賜與眾人、也不斥責人的神,主YHWH就必賜給他。 。 You are going to experience a sharp learning curve, for I am teaching you and showing you new things that will be necessary in the days ahead. Be flexible and willing to go where I direct you and do what is before you in the way of progression. Never doubt for a moment that I am with you every step of the way and that I will give prudent understanding (wisd-m) when you ask, says Yahuwah. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisd-m, let him ask of Aloahiym YHWH, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. Note:
后記: Shema ,有耳可聽的,應當聽 |
千玉 (Yahn El)新加坡籍旅美華人/ "世界華文作家協會"會員 / 曾任"新加坡作家協會"理事 / "新加坡21工程傳播企業公司"業務董事 / 新加坡"關懷中心"社會服務機構創辦人之一 / 新加坡國立大學社會科學院第一屆畢業生 / 1982-1994年先後出版主編四份雜誌,著作有: 散文集:【我不怕生命冷場】【相信人生】情思筆記:【我愛,為何哭】 文章Articles
July 2024