China is mentioned in Isaiah 49 v12 (about 700BC): Surely these shall come from afar;.. these from the land of Sinim. (which pronounce as Qin, referring to Ancient China). Isaiah thus prophesied that one day Israel's exiles would return from China back to their own land. It appears that the Chinese believed in YHWH the Almighty (ShangDi) without an organized religion for more than four thousand years.
From the writings of Confucius(551-479) and Mozi (408-382 BC), we discover that the ancient Chinese were originally monotheists who worshiped a Creator-G-d whom they called 'Heaven' or 'ShangDi'. In fact, Han (202 BC-8AD) scholar Zheng Xuan also confirms 'ShangDi' as an alternative name for 'Heaven' The ancient Chinese, unlike their modern counterparts, did not believe in the theory of Evolution, which is a Western atheistic philosophy. The following quotes from the writings of Confucius have left behind a clear record of ancient China's original religious beliefs:'Emperor Sun sacrificed to ShangDi (2255 BC)'. The Book of History 'The Border Sacrifice ceremony is how men serve ShangDi' ;'Erect an altar of earth on Mt. Tai and offer a burnt offering to Heaven'. Sz Ma Qian:'There has never been any Emperor of China who has not performed the sacrifices to Heaven', From the above quotes we can deduce that the Aloahiym of ancient China was worshiped in a ceremony involving animal sacrifices, with the chief participant being the Emperor. Even Huang Di (Emperor), from the so-called 'Legendary Period', is reported to have sacrificed to Heaven (ShangDi). In the 15th century AD the 'Border Sacrifice' site was moved to the Altar of Heaven in Beijing and continued there until 1911 AD when the last Emperor of China was deposed. Thus in China we have a religious belief system and sacrificial ceremony of more than 4000 years continuous observance! Worship of Heaven (ShangDi) at the Altar of Heaven in Beijing. The Altar of Heaven complex, which is today an important tourist site, on the northern most structure, a tablet inscribed with the following characters: 'Heavenly Sovereign ShangDi' These characters clearly indicate that ShangDi (Heaven) was the Almighty worshiped at the 'Border Sacrifice'. This sacrifice took place every year at the winter solstice and by reviewing some of the prayers and songs used in the ceremony it becomes obvious how the Chinese revered their Supreme Almighty: "When Di (ShangDi), the Sovereign, had so decreed, He called into existence heaven, Earth, and man. The Statutes of the Ming Dynasty" If we compare this with the Hebrew text of the Bible it becomes clear that the Creator-Almighty of the Chinese and Hebrews is one and the same: By the word of YHWH the heavens were made... Psalm 33v6,9. Heaven (ShangDi) simply spoke everything into being by His commands. In addition, the religious ceremony of the ancient Chinese appears to be identical to that of the Hebrews as recorded in the Bible: Then Almighty (Yahuwah) said to Moses... 'An altar of earth you shall make for Me, and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings. Exodus 20v24, This is confirmed by further Chinese prayers and songs used at the 'Border Sacrifice':" All the numerous tribes of animated beings are indebted to Thy favour for their beginnings. Men and things are all emparadised in Thy love, O Di(ShangDi). All living things are indebted to your goodness, but who knows from whom his blessings come to him? You alone, O The Sovereign One, are the true parent of all things. The Statutes of the Ming Dynasty." From the above quote of MoTz we learn that the ancient Chinese believed that their Aloahiym was The Almighty ( G-d) of love. One final recitation from the 'Border Sacrifice' is of note: "Of old in the beginning, there was the great chaos without form and dark. The five elements had not begun to revolve, nor the sun and moon to shine. You, O Spiritual Sovereign, first divided the grosser parts from the purer. You made heaven. You made earth. You made man. All things with their reproducing power got their being. The Statutes of the Ming Dynasty" The above quote can be compared with the Biblical record: "In the beginning Aloahiym created the heavens and the earth. 'Let there be light'; and there was light.'...Then Aloahiym said let Us make man in Our image...Genesis chapter 1, In conclusion, the original religion of China is similar to that of the Hebrew people as recorded in the Bible. From ancient times right up until 1911 AD it had been the Emperor of China's responsibility to obey the 'Mandate of Heaven' i.e.YHWH Aloahiym's will. This included the 'Border Sacrifice'.本視頻源自:牧师康希(新加坡城市丰收教会)的講道信息下集。上集 (For Part 1): & Video Source:by Rev. (Pastor) Kong Hee (City Harvest Church, Singapore).
ShangDi – The Almighty Creator of the Chinese People for 4500 yearsChina is the oldest, continuous civilization on the earth. Ancient records date back to about 2500 B.C. and coincides with the Biblical timeline, which shows that the great flood took place around 2344 B.C. Source: Bible Study – Flood
Ancient Chinese myth has their first king, Fu-hi or Fohi (Chinese Noah) making his appearance on the Mountain of Chin surrounded by a rainbow after the world had been covered with water. Myth says this Chinese Noah also sacrificed animals to the Almighty Aloahiym. The Miao tribe of Southwest China has a similar myth. According to the Miao, the Supreme Almighty destroyed the world by flood because of the wickedness of man. The myth also says Nuah (Noah) had three sons: Lo Han (Ham), Lo Shen (Shem), and Jah-hu (Japheth). Source: Silvia Videler “ShangDi, the Creator-the Almighty (G-d) of the Chinese, surely appears to be one and the same as the Creator-the Almighty Aloahiym of the Hebrews.” Source: Answer in Genesis “One of the earliest accounts of the Border Sacrifice is found in the Shu Jing (Book of History), compiled by Confucius (551 to 479 B.C.), where it is recorded that Emperor Shun (2256 to 2205 B.C.) sacrificed to ShangDi.” Source: Answer in Genesis ShangDi is the Supreme Almighty of the ancient Chinese. He was worshiped as the Creator Aloahiym for thousands of years. ShangDi was known as the Heavenly Ruler and the Chinese emperors were known as the Sons of Heaven. No other Mighty One was higher or more powerful. Evidence says that the ancient Chinese understood the nature of Aloahiym as the ancient Hebrews did after Abraham (1812 B.C. to 1637 B.C.), who is considered the father of the Jews (about 3,000 years old), Christians (about 2,000 years old) and Muslims (about 1,400 years old). While the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans worshiped many gods, the Chinese worshiped one Almighty Aloahiym above all others, ShangDi. If true, that would mean the Chinese might have believed in the Almighty Aloahiym longer than the Jews in Judahiam, Christians or Muslims. In fact, it appears that the Chinese believed in YHWH the Almighty (ShangDi) without an organized religion for more than four thousand years. Discover The Question of Religion 本視頻源自:牧师康希(新加坡城市丰收教会)的講道信息。 2009年一月/二月。 Video Source:Message delivered by Rev. (Pastor) Kong Hee (City Harvest Church, Singapore). January/February 2009. 歡迎到訪主網頁: & 視頻來源:
中國人寫中國字 讀書時候,或多或少也有疑問 為何中國字有這麼多筆劃啊? 但其實,筆劃的背後 每個中國字的結構 都隱藏著特別的意思和情境的描述 你又認識多少? 中國字的起源 可追溯到遠古 其創造和結構 都將當時代的情境、歷史、信仰 一一記錄下來 從商朝的甲骨文,慢慢演變成今天的漢字 而其中的文字類型── 會意字 更刻劃了許許多多 《聖經》中的真實故事 與及上帝的情深恩重 中國字 証明了中國人最遠古的信仰 就是《聖經》的獨一創造主── 耶和華 神! 視頻來源:
每逢喜慶的中國新年 家家戶戶樂在其中 大掃除、貼揮春、吃年糕...... 每個傳統習俗 背後均帶有特別的意思、意頭 歷代的人都曾對中國新年習俗的起源 好奇地追溯 答案,卻只得來零碎的圖片 但今天,人的眼光遼闊了 胸襟也寬闊了 竟發現 從《聖經》以色列人正月節期的細節 終尋得中國新年習俗的整全圖片! 視頻來源:
國之興亡,必有其因 但是,誰又會把中國唐代的興衰 跟當代風行一時的「景教」連上關係呢? 也許,置放於西安碑林的「大秦景教流行中國碑」 可讓後世一窺端倪 視頻來源:
萬卷書,不如行萬里路 很多親身遊歷所認知的 比讀書所學習的更為真實、寶貴! 例如 當你到中國北京的天壇遊歷一番 你會重新認識 何為中國人信仰的根源 北京天壇 記載著中國人對「天」和「皇天上帝」 就是獨一真神的重視、呼求和尊崇 正如,遇逆境的時候 你心可曾說過:「噢,天呀!」 為何,你會有這個本能反應? 世世代代 人都活於欺騙、謊言中 誤以為佛教和道教是中國信仰的起源 但今天 從古藉、從天壇、從祭祀 讓我們重新認知 中國人最原始的信仰 就是《聖經》的獨一創造主── 耶和華 神! 視頻來源:
神臺上香供奉是很多中國人的傳統習俗 神臺,我們所常見的 中國人日復日、年復年地上香 但可曾想過 神臺的設計和各式的擺設 其實是來自一個確實的根源? 那就是,《聖經》舊約的摩西會幕 會幕與神臺的緊密關連 超越了迷信,超越了估計 更超越了巧合 可說,中國人的傳統信仰 其實有著更遠古、真實的另一面! 以Isa 49:12 看哪,這些從遠方來;這些從北方、從西方來;這些從秦(原文作秦吶Sinae)國來。
Standing at the magnificent and historic Great Wall of China (built by the emperor Qin Shi Huang during the Qin dynasty 260 BC-210 BC), this video reveals the divine mission of this most important information regarding the Lost Tribes of Israel pursuant to their travel along the Silk Route through ancient Persia, modern day Afghanistan and India, integrating into the Chinese culture and population approximately 800 years before the birth of the Messiah Yahushua. Traces of some ancient Jewish rituals have been observed in some places. More than two thousand years ago from today, and due to subjugation especially from Syria, a very large number of the 10 Tribes from the Northern Kingdom of Israel, eventually settled in the Central Plains of China, assimilating and flourishing into the Chinese culture, becoming one of them. For example: During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (艾), Shi (石), Gao (高), Jin (金), Li (李), Zhang (張), and Zhao (趙); significance of the original seven Jewish clan's family names: Ezra, Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Y'hoshua, and Yonathan, respectively In short, portions of the Chinese people of today and the Jews (Yahudim of Israel) are actually connected through their bloodline as lost brothers dating back over this period of thousands of years, as well as by the Ruach [Galatians 3:18, 29]. Hence, all have the same promise of YAHUWAH as the seed of Abraham. However, through the course of events over this same time, these tribal members and their offspring lost sight of the truth and significance of their lineage as brothers in YAHUWAH. Here, we are referring to the mysterious "disappearance of the ten tribes of Israel," those who have been found to have resettled in China. The location of these lost 10 Tribes has long been held as an enigma in Israel’s history. In the case of China, according to archeological records found inscribed on a large stone tablet, by the decedents of these people in the City of Kaifeng, China, their ancestors’ footsteps in China can be traced as early as the Shang Zhou Dynasty prior to 1000 BC However, this may not refer to the migration of Jews necessarily, but simply that there is a relationship dating to this time period. In reference to the Qin Dynasty, the Scriptures reference such: Isa 49:12: "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim." (Scholars associated Sin with China, the root word of Sinim, Sinae resembling the Latinization of Qin, after the Qin (state), founded 778 BC and Qin dynasty, founded in 221 BC by Qin Shi Huang-Di. At the time of the prophecy there was no one China, but many small states.) Throughout the history of China, wars, insurrections, and civil unrest were common and destroyed much of the historical evidence, especially under the emperor Qin Shi Huang, a totalitarian despotic ruler who was the first emperor of the Chin Dynasty. To protect his position and power base, he confiscated and burned most or all books that could have shed some light of this period of Chinese civilization, murdering huge segments of society that were both educated and regarded as scholars of their day. Given the carnage of this period, many witnesses to this account destroyed any evidence of their link to their heritage or anything that would bring to themselves immediate death to themselves , their families, and their clan. After Qin, there were other emperors that served to employ the same method of terrorism against their opposition, costing a further expenditure of many innocent lives. In modern Chinese history, the Cultural Revolution under Mao Zedong regime is a prime example, destroying a huge segment of valuable historical documents, books, and other information. So unexpectedly, referring to the historical event of the “burning of books” during the Qin Dynasty, the recorded evidence of the connection between the two countries of Israel and China was destroyed or lost. However, hints of this unique heritage and connection in history still remain, waiting to be uncovered through more research. Therefore, let the ashes and the cries of the ground speak forth. Listen (Shema). YAHUWAH is calling His lost sheep back to the Covenant of the House of Israel [Matt 10:6; 15:24; Luke 15:4, 6]. 本視頻「神州十二號」到國內理解并呈獻一些有關中國與以色列兩國鮮為人知的歷史資訊: 二千多年前,因著亡國,極大量的以色列人流落到中原, 融入了中華,開枝散葉。 簡而言之:今天的中國人,今天的猶太人, 竟是失散千年,相見不相識的兄弟! 神秘的「以色列十支派消失案,」一直被喻為歷史上的不解之謎. 今天,謎題解開了, 卻意想不到地,跟中國秦朝的「焚書坑儒」有關: 兩個國家,一次事故.....意外地封塵了彼此千絲萬縷的關係 「兄弟為患難而生」─ 箴言。倘是一天,患難甫現了, 兄弟,又可以如何呢? Video Source 視頻源自: 歡迎到訪主網頁: & (English Site)其他相關題目: 2007年07月07日《 國家人文地理雜誌》 一頁頁血淚交織的遷徙歷程,精明的商業頭腦,以及連綿幾十年的中東戰爭……這些似乎都離我們很遠,也構成了我們對猶太人的全部印象。但在千年前,卻有一批亞伯拉罕的子孫沿著絲綢之路來到中國,並安然定居於當時的首都——汴京;如今一千年過去了,這些亞伯拉罕的子孫們怎麼樣了呢? “歸我中夏,遵守祖風,留遺汴梁” 從考古遺跡上講,現存開封博物館的《重修清真寺碑記》可說是猶太人定居開封最為確鑿的證據。從這通明弘治二年(一四八九年)的碑文可知,開封猶太人至少自北宋年間就開始在這裡繁衍生息了。學術界普遍認為,大批猶太人最早是在唐代(約公元8世紀前後)沿著絲綢之路來到中國的,這種看法已從考古發現中獲得了比較充分的證明,但也有學者認為,猶太人是通過海上路線進入中國的。開封在北宋年間是王朝的都城,極盡繁華之能事。根據《重修清真寺碑記》所言,宋代的開封猶太人應該也是相當活躍和興旺,否則在他們“進貢西洋佈於宋”之後,身處盛世的皇帝對一外來小族發出“歸我中夏,遵守祖風,留遺汴梁”的約法三章。 這樣的敕令。這無疑是對開封猶太人的合法移民定居做出的最權威的背書。公元一一三四年開封猶太人建立教堂時,其時開封被女真政權的金王朝佔領,宋王朝已南逃偏安於一隅,按照紀年習慣,應記為金大定三年,但他們卻在明代的碑記中記載“宋孝龍興元年,癸未,列微伍思达領長其教,俺都拉始建寺焉”。 ![]() 但開封歷史上曾經多次遭遇黃河大水,讓這座清真寺幾度被毀。祠堂述古記碑的碑文顯示:康熙十八年(1679年),一位身居高官的叫做趙承基的開封猶太人後裔,重新出資修建猶太會堂——一賜樂業清真寺的經歷。趙承基於清初任大樑道中軍守備,率兵駐汴,是現在有史可查官做得最大的一位開封猶太人。今天一賜樂業清真寺已經完全消失,它的遺址現在被北方常見的胡同地帶完全淹沒,只能依靠猶太后裔的口口相傳以及開封猶太專家的研究,才依稀能辨認出這座清真寺的原址— —今天的第四人民醫院內,那裡據說還有當年清真寺所使用的一口古井。 教經胡同=挑筋胡同作為歷史上曾經繁華一時的七朝古都,開封的建築佈局依稀可見當年雍容平穩的形態,甚至至今還保留著一個內陸城市處變不驚不急不徐的節奏。從開封博物館出門,繞過包公祠和包公湖,穿自由路,穿鼓樓廣場,再北行千米,就來到歷史上開封猶太人最著名的一個聚集地:教經胡同。 “教經胡同”,早年叫“挑筋胡同”。之所以得名,是因為開封猶太人聚集於此。按照猶太的風俗,為了紀念在和大力士角斗中扭傷了大腿的祖先,不食用牛羊肉的蹄筋,故此開封民間稱之為“挑筋教”,猶太人並不認為這稱呼含有貶義,文史中廣泛採用,他們所聚居的胡同,也被開封人形象的命名為“挑筋胡同”。後來馮玉祥時期,覺得這個名字不雅,就改成了教經胡同。 很多猶太人後裔都住在那裡,從北宋來到中國,至今已經1000多年了。開封猶太人號稱七姓八家。就是主要有7個大姓:趙,艾,李,張,石,金,高。另外包括源出張姓的章姓,總共8個家族。這些姓氏的由來,也充滿了歷史印記。比如,“李”由“列維”而來,“石”由“示巴”而來,“艾”就是“亞當”,趙姓,則是中國宋代皇帝的賜姓。 ![]() 據了解,生活在這裡的一些開封猶太人後裔還保留著許多特殊的習俗,比如不吃豬肉,不吃動物的蹄筋,過安息日。一些開封猶太人後裔向記者介紹,上世紀80年代,河南省人民醫院和開封市衛生防疫站在防疫檢查過程中,對總共十幾個開封猶太人後裔做了DNA測定,顯示開封猶太后裔與漢族血統融合的傾向,與國外猶太人比較亦不相同。最後得出結論,開封猶太人後裔的血統,是源於伊拉克兩河流域的一支猶太人,還和亞美尼亞猶太人及阿拉伯猶太人比較接近。這指明了古代開封猶太人的出處。一千年了,他們過得怎麼樣?明代是開封猶太社團人丁興旺的時代,人數過千,而且多生活富庶。他們精通生意之道,又重視教育。據史書上記載,在開封考取進士的猶太人就有20多位,當地大宗的商業更是少不了他們。然而猶太人被漢民族同化也恰恰發生在這個時候。在移居開封的幾百年來,他們一直嚴格遵從自己的宗教和生活習俗,守安息日、守禁食、守割禮、禁食豬肉、每日3次到會堂禱告。元代的猶太人一度高人一等,被蒙古統治者列為第二等色目人,同屬於統治階層,同化現像是不會在這個時候發生的。漢人重新奪取政權後,頒布了非常嚴格的法律,胡服、胡語、胡飾一律被禁止;《大明律·蒙古色目人婚姻條例》中更明確規定:蒙古、色目人不許自相嫁娶。猶太人不僅要說漢語、學習漢文化,還要與漢族女子通婚,同化進程的迅速可想而知了。一名叫俺三(實為錦衣衛特務)的猶太人甚至因為告發明成祖朱棣的弟弟朱橚謀反有功,被賜了以開封為都的宋王室的姓氏——“趙”,聯想教經胡同里最後一家趙姓猶太人後裔該可以追溯至此吧。猶太人在中國並沒有遭遇到任何歧視,也許正是這種平等寬容的環境一點點消融了他們的民族性,再加之社團本身就十分弱小,血統的逐漸淡化使得百年之後從外貌上看,開封猶太人與漢人已經沒有太大的區別了,他們沿用了千年的波斯語也漸漸被淡忘。隨著幾次歷史的動盪,聚集在教經胡同的猶太后裔逐漸搬離了,到如今,仍居住此地的猶太后裔不過幾戶老人了。 ![]() 世界上從沒被同化過的猶太民族的唯一例外猶太民族直到以色列建國以前的千年民族史都是一部流浪史,他們到處奔波,卻又到處受到排擠,但無論條件如何艱苦,他們都能保持自己的民族獨立性。中國古代猶太人是幸運的,當他們的同胞被一次次驅趕屠殺時,他們在東方繁衍生息。猶太男子遭屠殺後,女人被搶掠替別的民族生兒育女,猶太人只有依靠母系延續自己的民族,直至今日,而開封的猶太人卻一直保留著初始的以父親維繫血統的習慣。也是因為這個,他們已經不符合以色列的有關承認猶太人身份的規定。根據以色列《回歸法》的有關規定,以色列只承認母系製度傳承下的是真正的猶太人,也就是說母親是猶太人才算是猶太人。 但開封的猶太人後裔,他們說永遠都不會忘記自己身上還有著一個遙遠民族的基因,事實上,今天的開封猶太人後裔與漢族已融二為一,而漢族本身在歷史的進程中也不斷地吸納外來民族,難尋純粹。也許人類最高的境界就是心靈上的無種族與無貧富的差異吧。 “現在生活在開封的猶太人後裔,懂祖宗語言的,懂猶太教義的基本沒有了。生活基本同化了。”開封政協委員猶太人後裔張興旺說。那被稱為世界上最難同化的猶太民族,為什麼在中國的土地上如雲漢飛星一樣隱入歷史的幕後?首先,中國一直友好對待外來的猶太人,猶太人和當時各族人都享有同等的待遇。猶太人也可以做官,通過學習四書五經也能夠考取進士、舉人,這種寬鬆的社會氛圍,開始讓猶太人這個古老的民族慢慢融入到中華主流社會。其次,也是為了生存的需要,開封猶太人開始和其他民族,比如漢族和回族通婚。其次,從明代開始,朝廷採取了閉關鎖國的政策,封閉了西北邊疆和海路,中國的百姓與世界隔絕了,開封猶太人也失去了與西亞、北非聚居地的聯繫。 1850年,開封猶太社團的最後一個拉比(猶太教的職業神職人員)去世,卻沒有人能來接替。以往每個拉比要帶幾個學生,一個拉比死了由他的兒子繼任,這是猶太人的傳統。但隨著拉比知識的逐步萎縮,年輕人的心已不再被信仰所吸引。猶太會堂最後一次被洪水毀壞後便無人重修了,一次完整的禱告都無法組織進行,開封猶太社團真正地消亡在浩瀚的歷史歲月裡。那些身體裡有著微弱的猶太血統、仍住在開封的人們,他們的祖先的確是古老的來自中亞的猶太民族,而延續到他們僅僅只能稱作是中國古代猶太人的後裔了。根據1992年的一個統計,那時候開封有猶太人血統的有618人。 相關影片 追蹤開封猶太人歷史 開封猶太人可能於1世紀前已到中國 從來沒有人想到有猶太人住在中國,直至1605年,當羅馬天主教教士利馬竇(Matteo Ricci)到訪中國,在北京遇上從開封來找他的一個外貌是中國人、名字叫艾田(Ai T'ien)的猶太人。艾田告訴利馬竇,猶太人已在中國定居數個世紀,但當時只有開封的猶太社群仍然存在。 現今有兩個重要的證據,顯示猶太人是在唐代(公元618~907)來華。一位英國的考古學家在中國西北部找到一封被鑑定為公元718年的商業信件,內容是關於買賣羊群的;這封信是以希伯來文書寫在紙上。另一位法國的考古學家在敦煌附近找到一篇寫在紙上的希伯來文祈禱文,這禱文被鑑定為八或九世紀的遺物。在那個時期,只有中國製造紙張。 在古時,猶太人是經絲綢之路來華,並在當時的首府開封居住。從第八世紀起,有些開始從海路來到中國經商,並在沿海城市居住。
開封的猶太人 ... 從最早的羅馬天主教人員到訪開封猶太社群的記載,可粗略估計開封猶太社群的背景和來源: 1. 通曉波斯文 2. 開封猶太會堂內有印度文雕刻 3. 向宋朝皇帝獻當時只有印度出產的棉質布料 4. 並不知源自主前165年猶大地的獻殿節(Hanukkah),亦不知誰是耶穌 這群開封猶太人很可能是早於耶穌時代從波斯,經中亞地區來到中國,是屬於古代猶太人的後代。亦有史學家認為開封的猶太人是在960年到1126年間,中國北宋時期移民到中國的。開封的猶太人大致出自七個家族,各有自己的姓氏。按當地的傳說,早年的中國皇帝因為不諳當時猶太人的名字,便按希伯來文的讀音,給予他們相應的中文姓氏,如高(等於哥轄)、李(等於利未)、趙、艾、張、石和金等。1163年,南宋時,開封猶太人建了一家猶太會堂。 元朝的時候(1279-1368),猶太人還會說一些絲路的語言,所以他們跟中亞和其他外國人有良好關係。因此猶太人在中國有了非常好的社會地位,後來甚至有一些猶太人從政。 明朝年間,開封的猶太人口高達五千。當時猶太社群製造了一些石碑,上面刻著他們寄居開封的歷史,其中兩塊石碑正存放於開封的市政府博物館內,作為猶太人在開封生活的見證。 據說,1605年時,有一個猶太人向利瑪竇介紹自己,告訴利瑪竇他住在開封市。三年後,一名中國耶穌會傳教士參觀了這個中國猶太社區。根據他的繪圖和相關記錄,可知道當時的開封會堂,外觀像中國的傳統廟宇,但亦有猶太的特色。 會堂內存放聖經皮卷的櫃靠著西面的牆壁,敬拜者須朝向西面,即耶路撒冷方向。在會堂內卻另有一個敬拜列祖,向他們燒香的禮堂。該傳教士指出,這是個猶太社區,因為他們守安息日、逾越節和其他的舊約節期。他們也有為男孩行割禮的風俗,又學習摩西五經,也不吃豬肉和血。因為這群猶太人“把肉筋特別挑出來不吃”,故此當時的中國人稱這群猶太人為“挑筋族”。 另一方面,開封的猶太人也敬奉孔子和自己的祖先,這是中國人的習俗,他們只以牛或羊(不用豬)作敬奉的牲畜。有一些歷史學家找到了一些在718年寫的猶太祈禱文,是用波斯語和希伯來文寫在中國紙上的。 一位開封猶太人石力(Shi Lei)憶述他祖父早年的開封猶太人習俗時說:「當我的祖父仍是孩童時(約八歲左右),他看過守逾越節的儀式,我的曾祖父用一支毛筆蘸一些用水混合的雞血,把血塗在門楣上。」 歷史資料顯示,開封的猶太人從事各行各業,包括商業和農業。明朝時期(1369-1643),有一些猶太人參加了中國的科舉考試,並獲得十分好的成績,被委任為地方官員或往別的省市當文官和武官。 開封的猶太社群從宋朝至近代十九世紀,定居於中國接近七百年。可惜這個社群在十九世紀末已息微,二十世紀時,開封猶太人的社區很小,只有差不多五十個家庭,一共二百五十人。現今只有極少的猶太人住在開封,這猶太社群的消失是近代猶太社群完全同化的例子。1953年,有數百名開封人登記自己的族裔為猶太人。 這猶太社群的消失,主要有兩個原因:高度包容的東道主和長期與國外同胞失去聯絡。中國賦予境內各種族平等待遇,他們可按自己的文化習俗生活,不受歧視和逼迫。猶太人在帝皇時代的中國接受本地社會的教育,參與科舉考試。 由於他們參與科舉,必須熟稔中國古人如孔孟的著作。開封的猶太人深受中國聖賢教訓的薰陶,從開封猶太會堂內有孔子言訓的雕刻,便可見一斑;傳統的猶太教訓條與中國聖賢之道,實有不少共通之處。另一個構成完全同化的原因是通婚。 在早期,因不宜有家眷隨行,猶太商人多是單身。故當因工作關係而學習中國文化語言時,便促使許多人在定居中國時與本地人通婚,所以這些猶太人的後裔看起來像漢族人。從十七世紀明朝皇帝執行閉關主義以防外族入侵後,中國的猶太社群便與國外的猶太人失去聯絡和支援。他們缺乏拉比教導他們猶太教,希伯來語亦逐漸失傳。由於沒有中文譯本,開封的猶太人未能理解經文和猶太教的禮儀,因此猶太人的文化習俗隨年日而失傳。 今天有部分開封猶太後代還認定自己猶太人的身份。但是外國的猶太人往往不能完全認同他們,因為按照猶太傳統,猶太人的身份定義是母親或祖母是猶太人,可是在開封,通常是猶太男子跟漢族女子結婚,並且不少的開封猶太人並未能提供猶太家族的證明。另一方面,現在開封的猶太人多不認識和持守猶太傳統文化和信仰。 在過往的一段日子中,有些猶太人認為伊斯坦堡跟猶太人有關係,因而改信回教。雖然如此,仍有一些猶太家庭為自己的猶太血統感到非常驕傲。他們在本地的戶口登記中寫上「猶太」為所屬的民族。有些開封猶太人雖然覺得他們的歷史很有保存價值,可是他們並不願按照猶太傳統生活。 認識YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)榮耀的知識要充滿遍地,好像水充滿洋海一般。 祈願我們能多聯繫,謝謝弟兄姊妹們的支持舆鼓勵,到訪主網頁: & [email protected] Please Visit Our Main Website: & [email protected] |
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October 2024