ShangDi – The Almighty Creator of the Chinese People for 4500 yearsChina is the oldest, continuous civilization on the earth. Ancient records date back to about 2500 B.C. and coincides with the Biblical timeline, which shows that the great flood took place around 2344 B.C. Source: Bible Study – Flood
Ancient Chinese myth has their first king, Fu-hi or Fohi (Chinese Noah) making his appearance on the Mountain of Chin surrounded by a rainbow after the world had been covered with water. Myth says this Chinese Noah also sacrificed animals to the Almighty Aloahiym. The Miao tribe of Southwest China has a similar myth. According to the Miao, the Supreme Almighty destroyed the world by flood because of the wickedness of man. The myth also says Nuah (Noah) had three sons: Lo Han (Ham), Lo Shen (Shem), and Jah-hu (Japheth). Source: Silvia Videler “ShangDi, the Creator-the Almighty (G-d) of the Chinese, surely appears to be one and the same as the Creator-the Almighty Aloahiym of the Hebrews.” Source: Answer in Genesis “One of the earliest accounts of the Border Sacrifice is found in the Shu Jing (Book of History), compiled by Confucius (551 to 479 B.C.), where it is recorded that Emperor Shun (2256 to 2205 B.C.) sacrificed to ShangDi.” Source: Answer in Genesis ShangDi is the Supreme Almighty of the ancient Chinese. He was worshiped as the Creator Aloahiym for thousands of years. ShangDi was known as the Heavenly Ruler and the Chinese emperors were known as the Sons of Heaven. No other Mighty One was higher or more powerful. Evidence says that the ancient Chinese understood the nature of Aloahiym as the ancient Hebrews did after Abraham (1812 B.C. to 1637 B.C.), who is considered the father of the Jews (about 3,000 years old), Christians (about 2,000 years old) and Muslims (about 1,400 years old). While the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans worshiped many gods, the Chinese worshiped one Almighty Aloahiym above all others, ShangDi. If true, that would mean the Chinese might have believed in the Almighty Aloahiym longer than the Jews in Judahiam, Christians or Muslims. In fact, it appears that the Chinese believed in YHWH the Almighty (ShangDi) without an organized religion for more than four thousand years. Discover The Question of Religion 本視頻源自:牧师康希(新加坡城市丰收教会)的講道信息。 2009年一月/二月。 Video Source:Message delivered by Rev. (Pastor) Kong Hee (City Harvest Church, Singapore). January/February 2009. 歡迎到訪主網頁: &
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