現代聖地傳說 聚焦以色列 2 http://youtu.be/oS_E1NCfbBw 現代聖地傳說 聚焦以色列 3 http://youtu.be/G0SiM1lSnKs 現代聖地傳說 聚焦以色列 4 http://youtu.be/PJxKniaBNOM 簡介
以色列觀光巴士遭到自殺炸彈攻擊,直指伊朗是幕後主謀,加上伊朗發展核武,波斯灣情勢陷入緊張!東森新聞前進中東火藥庫,深入以色列,探討小國少人的以色列,為何成為阿拉伯世界的頭號敵人?以色列女大兵世界聞名,記者直擊女大兵寢室,看美麗女大兵如何保家衛國!同時探討猶太人如何在列強環伺下,能掌握美國華爾街金融和好萊塢電影圈? 東森新聞51ch專題報導「聖地傳說-- 聚焦以色列」! 文本 2011年底,聯合國原子能總署(IAEA)指出伊朗正在秘密發產核武,西方大國隨即考慮發動制裁,以色列更聲明不排除對伊朗動武。 2012年,伊朗與以色列緊張關係蔓延到海外,多國持續發生針對以色列人的襲擊,加上敘利亞爆發內戰,波斯灣緊張情勢升高,戰火一觸即發! 追究中東衝突的根源,其實就是巴勒斯坦的歸屬問題,一塊兩萬多平方公里的土地,四千年來被稱為上帝應許之地,卻也是人類歷史近百年以來最難以解決的衝突之地! 東森新聞在中東局勢劍拔弩張時刻,冒險前進中東火藥庫--以色列,深度探討巴勒斯坦與以色列之間的仇恨糾葛。報導內容囊括戰爭史實、宗教、語言傳承,詳述猶太人為何堅持在巴勒斯坦地區復國以及之後引發的以阿大戰。 記者甚至前進以色列與巴勒斯坦人衝突最多的種族隔離牆,深度探討以巴之間實質關係,也前進以色列海軍軍事基地,探索以色列國防傲視全球的秘密。 除了分析地區政治衝突與人民生活現況,專題報導也著重以色列創新的成功範例,從化荒漠為綠洲的農業奇蹟、不產石油就發展電動車的野心、缺水就研發海水淡化的技術,以及國防科技變身為創新發明等四大領域,探討小國以色列,如何在敵人環伺的艱難環境,卻創造出傲視全球的成就大業,值得借鏡學習。 『聖地傳說--聚焦以色列』播出後,以色列駐台代表Simona Halperin評為,『這是有史以來,有關巴勒斯坦地區專題報導最完美的一次!』 The Modern Legend of the Holy Land – Israel in Focus In Brief: Israeli tourist bus suicide bomb attacks are widely regarded as directed by Iran. Iran is seeing to develop nuclear weapons, and the Persian Gulf region in the Middle East is tense! ETTV reported on Israel, and the ever present Middle East explosive powder keg, performing an in-depth analysis of Israel, a small country with comparatively few people. Why is Israel the number one enemy of the Arab world? ETTV examined world-renowned Israeli female soldiers and observed how these women while constantly on guard and trained to defend the homeland, still retained their feminine characteristics and appeal, youthful innocence and passionate zeal! The report included interviews with average Israeli citizens, and how they manage their personal affairs as civilians under camouflage, and yet enjoy their life apart from the ever present day-to-day terrorist-related death threats, in addition to intimidations from sovereign Arab governments. These same people also excel in many areas of business, science, technology, medicine, communications, agriculture, and industrial development worldwide, and account for a significant percentage of the total number of Nobel Prize winners since the birth of their country. Where does their strength come from, and what is their secret? From the beginning of this series and throughout the program, ETTV as a secular network from Taiwan has repeatedly presented to viewers that Israel can survive against all odds and in fact prosper, by the promises of YHWH to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is the Promised Land granted to them by their Elohim. The Content: By the end of 2011, the United Nations Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that Iran is secretly getting closer to producing nuclear weapons. Against the backdrop of economic sanctions imposed by the Western powers, Israel does not rule out military action against Iran. In 2012, tensions between Iran and Israel spread as multinational attacks against Israelis overseas continue to occur. Given the outbreak of civil war in Syria and the rise in Persian Gulf tensions, talk that war is imminent is widely heard. ETTV also investigated the root causes of the conflict in the Middle East. That which is described as Palestine, comprising more than twenty thousand square kilometers of land, has been called God’s Promised Land for the Isaelites for nearly 4,000 years. Over the last several centuries, this same land has proven to be the most difficult of all conflicts throughout the world. At this tense moment in the Middle East, ETTV explored the depth of hatred and conflict since over the last century between Israel, Palestine, and the relevant political and military entanglements that have continued to boil incessantly. The contents of the programming include war reporting facts, political, religious, linguistic & cultural heritage issues, detailing why the Jews insist that Palestine is a part of their inheritance, which has at times erupted into large scale Arab-Israeli wars. ETTV’s reporter explored the depths of substantive relations between Israel and Palestine, and also advances why the Israeli military and the secrets of Israeli Defense are the envy of the world. In addition to analyzing regional political conflict and the status of people's lives, the report also highlights examples of successful innovation of Israel technology transforming the desert to the agricultural oasis miracle, and why Israel did not harbor oil ambitions, but instead moved forward with research and development of electric vehicles, water desalination technology for fresh water supplies, and defense technological innovations that transformed four major areas of this small country, and how they not only camouflaged this difficult environment of their enemies, but created a land that is the envy of the world. This is a lesson to be learned for Taiwan. Watch this special report: "The Modern Legend of the Holy Land – Israel in Focus" After the broadcast, the Israeli Representative to Taiwan, Simona Halperin revealed her thought on "This is the most perfect Special Report on the Palestinian Territories Today outside Israel!”
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千玉 (Yahn El)新加坡籍旅美華人/ "世界華文作家協會"會員 / 曾任"新加坡作家協會"理事 / "新加坡21工程傳播企業公司"業務董事 / 新加坡"關懷中心"社會服務機構創辦人之一 / 新加坡國立大學社會科學院第一屆畢業生 / 1982-1994年先後出版主編四份雜誌,著作有: 散文集:【我不怕生命冷場】【相信人生】情思筆記:【我愛,為何哭】 文章Articles
October 2024