YahArise網站自從2013年4月份開始了一系列"回歸以色列家族,復原希伯來根源" 的中文敬拜讚美詩歌系列,如今更積極的涉及各類相關的教導系列。 馬太15:24:耶穌說:「我奉差遣不過是到以色列家迷失的羊那裡去。」 日前YahArise在音樂創作上已進行了譜上帶著YHWH聖父聖子聖名的中文歌詞, 現在更進一步多方以及及時提供弟兄姐妹各個相關題目的教導,希望我們中華民 族的基督徒不落人後,也能參與這個全球性的正名運動;以上古Paleo希伯來的原文原發音來稱頌讚美傳揚我們的創造主YAHUWAH及我們的救贖主YAHUSHUA,聖經教導我們要向全地歌頌,讚美,宣揚創造主及救贖主獨一無二的聖名。希望YahArise的網頁以及所使用的各項媒體平台能夠給我們的中文教會帶來新的聲音、來自天上的聲音,充滿聖父聖子聖名帶著大能量的聲音。 Isa 以12:4在那日,你們要說:當稱謝YHWH雅吾瓦,求告祂的名;將祂所行的傳揚在萬民中,提說祂的名YHWH已被尊崇。Isa以 12:5你們要向YHWH雅吾瓦唱歌,因他所行的甚是美好;但願這事普傳天下。 Isa 以12:6錫安的居民哪,揚聲歡呼,因為在你們中間的以色列聖者YHWH雅吾瓦乃為至大。) Hab 谷2:14認識YHWH雅吾瓦(耶和華)榮耀的知識要充滿遍地,好像水充滿洋海一般。 祈願我們能多聯繫,謝謝弟兄姊妹們的支持舆鼓勵。 [email protected] Shalom: I am Yahn EL. My husband, Ed, and I are in full time ministry, moving according to the leadership of the Ruach Ha Qodesh [Rom 8:14]. In addition, we are also in the process of writing a book on the Man Child, identified in Rev 12:5 of the Scriptures. For details, please go to: The book is made available online without charge since freely we have received, and freely we give [Matt 10:8]. Please contact us at: The purpose of such an effort is to spread His Set Apart Name (Shem) as much as possible, and to be of service to Yahushua Ha Massiach in bringing the Lost Sheep of the House of Yisrael back into the Covenant according to Scripture: Matt 15:24 In addition, our desire is to publicize the Paleo Hebrew Set Apart Name of the Creator Abba Father, Yahuwah, and His Son, Yahushua, the Messiah in written and spoken form. Proverbs 30:4 For this purpose, we choose Paleo Hebrew for all of our songs regarding the Names of the Creator and the Messiah due their origin and their purity. This is the first time an effort is being made of that we are aware of, to introduce Paleo Hebrew Names to Chinese believers instead of using the translated Chinese terms and name (For further study about the Names of the Creator and the Messiah, please visit: May all Esteem, Honor, Shakan, and Kavod be to our YAH! In His service, Yahn El [email protected]
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千玉 (Yahn El)新加坡籍旅美華人/ "世界華文作家協會"會員 / 曾任"新加坡作家協會"理事 / "新加坡21工程傳播企業公司"業務董事 / 新加坡"關懷中心"社會服務機構創辦人之一 / 新加坡國立大學社會科學院第一屆畢業生 / 1982-1994年先後出版主編四份雜誌,著作有: 散文集:【我不怕生命冷場】【相信人生】情思筆記:【我愛,為何哭】 文章Articles
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